Wednesday, October 23, 2013

ICCA- 10/23/13

This picture is interesting. I'm not quite sure what I am looking at. It seems as if the men in this picture are aiming to shoot at something. The man with his gun pointed straight up looks like an actor who I don't know the name of. I think he starred in Babe the pig, or something. Anyways, this picture looks like it was taken outside during the day. The picture uses Rule of Thirds because the subjects aren't directly in the middle of the photo. What stands out to me is the woman laying her head on the fence. Is she okay and why is she there? What I don't like about this picture is the sky. I like when the sky in a picture has clouds and some depth to it. The sky in this picture is simply white and kind of boring. Overall, I am not a fan of this picture but I do like that it is an action picture.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Assignment #6- My Choice

ICCA- 10/21/13

This photo is very interesting and I like it a lot. First of all, I like the many colors in this photo. It kind of pops out at you. The people in this photo look like farmers of some sort tending to their plants. I'm assuming that they are wearing their farming hats, which are a bit odd-shaped. This picture was taken sometime during the day, most likely early in the morning, judging by the light. I think it was taken in a different country because of the architecture of the buildings in the background and the palm trees next to the building. It doesn't look like anything we would have around here. This picture uses depth of field because the people in the front appear larger than the buildings in the back. I also like how you can't see the people's faces. It adds mystery and wonder to the photo.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Critiquing Dalton Hunt

Landscape Photo: 
I really like this photo. It is a good landscape because it shows the overall view of the field. His subject matter was very interesting. I like how he included the plants that were closer to the camera in his overall landscape view. I feel like it added some depth to the picture. I also liked the many shades of greens and yellows. He also did a nice job editing the photo in photoshop. I liked how he made the photo darker around the edges. It made the picture look sharper and I felt like it made the colors more vibrant. This picture was definitely my favorite of the two. I did like his other landscape photos too. It is hard for me to choose which one is the best. I liked the one photo of the bridge but this picture is more of a nature landscape.
Nature Photo:
This picture was also very interesting. I liked how he captured the spider's web on the fence. I also like the red color of the fence against the green background. I felt like it was a good representation of a nature photo. I looked through his other pictures and I really liked his pictures of the different flowers. They were very pretty, but I liked how he chose the photo with a subject that was different from the normal subject matter. The photoshopped picture was definitely better again. The edit brought out the red in the fence making it more bold. The only thing I would change about the photo is maybe the angle so that the fence isn't so crooked. Also I think if the sky was blue instead of grayish white. Overall I liked his photos. I thought he did a good job with this assignment.

ICCA- 10/16/13

This picture is kind of creepy. I don't like how she is staring directly into the camera at me.  However, I do like the color contrast of the red hood and green background. The subject's eyes are very interesting. They are very pretty and bold and they look as if they are giving a warning of some sort. I'm not quite sure where this picture was taken, but it might have been outside. I also can't figure out what time of day it was taken either. I also like how the light is directly hitting her face and how it creates the shadow on the left side of her face.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Assignment #5- Nature/Landscape



ICCA- 10/14/13

Surprisingly, I like this photo. I like how the man is looking directly into the camera. It's almost as if he's watching you. I think it has good contrast between the dark colors and the light. It is also a good shadow picture. The many lines in the picture add a depth of field. The lines draw our eye back in a way. I like how the man's face has lines from the fence's shadow on him. It almost looks as if the man is in some type of prison. He is enclosed in some sort of fence, or he could possibly be looking in at someone who is enclosed in a fence. I can't tell exactly where the picture was taken, but it could have been taken in a prison. From the light on the man, the picture was most likely taken sometime during the day. I like how this picture is taken in black and white. I feel like it makes the picture more powerful. I think so far, this picture is my favorite ICCA picture. It's very interesting and it makes me think.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

ICCA- 10/9/13

When I see this picture, my immediate reaction is confusion. I'm not quite sure what is going on. We can't really tell where this picture is taken, but it was taken most likely in the city. The people in the photo look as if they are jumping from a building. Where are the people coming from? Why would they be jumping from a building and how did the photographer capture this? I'm assuming there is something inside of the building that the people are trying to get away from, such as a fire. I can't really tell, but the people probably have scared looks on their faces. This picture is a good contrast of blacks, grays and whites. It also uses Rule of Thirds. The people, who are the subjects in this picture, are closer to the top of the picture.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Assignment #4- Panorama

ICCA- 10/7/13

This is a very powerful picture. My immediate reaction to this photo is sadness. It is a picture of a child who looks as if he is suffering from starvation. He is weak looking and may possibly be dying. This picture was most likely taken in a third world country where food is hard to come by. It was taken during the day, and by the lighting I assume in the late afternoon. The picture is also somewhat ironic because there is a vulture in the background. Vultures prey on the dead and it is kind of creepy that he is hanging around the child. The picture shows Rule of Thirds because the subject, the child, is in the bottom right. It also uses Depth of Field because there is a child close to the camera is obviously bigger than the vulture in the background.