Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sarah Englert critiquing Deven Samson

1st Photo-
I like the subject she chose, the tree and I thought it was a pretty good picture. I like how the light shines through the trees creating shadows on the trunk of the tree. I thought the tree was placed well in the photo and I like that it is a vertical picture. This picture fit into the lighting assignment because of the light shining through the tree which casts a shadow on the trunk. I really liked this photo and I only have one suggestion. I think if the sun would have been directly above the tree shining through the leaves it would have made a cool light effect, possibly creating more shadows. I like the original photo better than the photoshopped photo only because in the photoshopped picture you can tell what part of the photo was photoshopped.
2nd Photo-
I like this photo better than the first one because I like how the light shines through the trees almost making them silhouettes. Again I like how it is a vertical photo. I thought it was another good example of lighting and shadows because of the light shining through the trees casting a shadow of the trees on the ground. I don't really have any suggestions for this photo because I really liked it. I liked the original better just because I liked the leaves on the ground that she took away in the photoshopped one.

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