Monday, September 30, 2013

Anthony Karen- Dropbox Photo #2 with Deven Samson


a. This picture was most likely taken in the south of the United States during the winter.
b. There is a man saluting and another man shoveling snow in the background. There are trees in the background, possibly in a forest. They may be on a farm. There are tractors in the background.
c. It's a black and white photo. It conveys more of a feeling. The snow creates a sense of space.


a. We learned that he is apart of the KKK from his badge. Our eyes are drawn to his arm and hand. The details in the background tell us that it is winter and cold outside. They are on a farm with the tractors in the back.
b. The person in the photo is wearing his KKK uniform with a KKK badge and hat. The other person in the back is shoveling snow in the back, possibly in snow gear. They appear to be middle aged, 40 years old. I don't think there is a relationship between the two people in the photo. The man looks determined and cold-hearted.
c. It's a plain background. The man in the background is shoveling snow. It seems like the time of day is in the afternoon sometime. There isn't much emotion, the whole photo seems kind of cold and unwelcoming. The background and snow reflects the subjects personality and how he's feeling.


a. We're not quite sure what is happening in the photo, but the subject seems to be saluting something. The photographer's intent was to capture the essence of this man and his actions. It was taken to portray what the KKK's leaders, or members might look like and how they feel. It was taken at this time because he wanted to capture the subject's feeling and emotion. He used the Rule of Thirds to capture the man and his hand which are off center. He also used Depth of field. The subject closer to the camera appears to be larger than the man in the background.
b. We think he was trying to leave out the man in the back shoveling snow. He was trying to mainly focus on the subject. If the background was busier it may have taken away from the overall photo. The photographer may have left out the people or object that the subject was saluting.


a. We liked the emotion that the photographer captured and the similarity between the cold snow and the cold emotion on the subject's face. It shows that from him standing alone it relates to how the KKK views many things. Not many people besides their group will stand behind them and voice their opinions about race. This picture doesn't change our opinions of the subject nor add to our knowledge of the KKK.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sarah Englert critiquing Deven Samson

1st Photo-
I like the subject she chose, the tree and I thought it was a pretty good picture. I like how the light shines through the trees creating shadows on the trunk of the tree. I thought the tree was placed well in the photo and I like that it is a vertical picture. This picture fit into the lighting assignment because of the light shining through the tree which casts a shadow on the trunk. I really liked this photo and I only have one suggestion. I think if the sun would have been directly above the tree shining through the leaves it would have made a cool light effect, possibly creating more shadows. I like the original photo better than the photoshopped photo only because in the photoshopped picture you can tell what part of the photo was photoshopped.
2nd Photo-
I like this photo better than the first one because I like how the light shines through the trees almost making them silhouettes. Again I like how it is a vertical photo. I thought it was another good example of lighting and shadows because of the light shining through the trees casting a shadow of the trees on the ground. I don't really have any suggestions for this photo because I really liked it. I liked the original better just because I liked the leaves on the ground that she took away in the photoshopped one.

ICCA- 9/18/13

This photo is kind of scary, but i think it is very interesting to look at. It almost looks as if the person with the black headdress is holding the little boy hostage. This picture could possibly be of a person comforting the little boy. Because of the barb wire shown in the picture, they could possibly be in some type of prison or camp. This picture is most likely taken in a foreign country in the middle east because of the desert like scene. This picture uses the Rule of Thirds because the subject, the people, are off to the left. It also is a good example of depth of field or space because the barbed wire kind of tricks your eye with it's many twists and turns.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Assignment 3- Shadows and Light

ICCA- 9/16/13

From the people on top of the building and the helicopter, it seems like they are surrounding the building. Perhaps something is happening inside the building and they have to go inside, or maybe they are guarding the building for whatever reason. The helicopter could be a news crew capturing what is going on. It's hard to tell what is happening by just looking at this picture. I'm not sure I like this photo. It's a good representation of Rule of Thirds because there is no central image, but i don't like the colors of the picture. The pale blue sky and dull colors throughout are kind of boring. They aren't eye-catching at all.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

ICCA- 9/11/13

Today's photo is showing the tragedy that occurred on 9/11. This picture is depressing and sad because of the destruction that is being shown in the picture. In a way it is also hopeful because of the cross, which clearly stands out in this picture. This picture uses the Rule of Thirds because the subject, the cross, is more towards the bottom of the picture. Depth of field is also used because the lines of the building lead our eyes up to the top of the picture.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Assignment 2- Space

ICCA- 9/9/13

This photograph is very interesting. I like the use of the Rule of Thirds. The subject, the person, is off to the left. This photograph is kind of dark and mysterious. It looks as if the person is standing on a pile of trash or is standing in a dump of some sort. It kind of represents our throw away society, and how much garbage we throw away. I also like the contrast of the colors, such as the dark surroundings and the bright color of the person's jacket.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Assignment 1- Framing and Form

I picked this photo because I liked how the sunset created a tree silhouette. I also thought it was a good example of the Rule of Thirds. This is because my subject, the tree, is off to the right.

I picked this photo because I like how the background is sort of blurred while the shoes are clear. This picture is a good example of the Rule of Thirds because like my first picture, my subject, the shoes, are off to the right.